
Physiotherapy is a health care specialty provided by physiotherapists, who are licensed health care professionals with a Bachelor's or Master's degree in physiotherapy. Patients are usually referred by a physician or medical specialist, which is required by most insurance companies, but it is also possible to make an appointment without a referral.

We treat a wide variety of patients in the clinic, including babies, children, adults, and the elderly. Our physiotherapists also work outside of the clinic namely at St. Maarten Medical Center (hospital), home visits, the prison and neighbor islands such as St. Eustatius and Saba.
The ultimate goal of physiotherapy is to restore maximal functional independence to each individual patient who has sustained disabilities, impairments or limitations in his overall physical function. These deviations can be the result of disease, injury or pathological processes.

At St. Maarten Health Care Clinic we specialize in the treatment of musculo-skeletal conditions in the widest sense of the term, from spinal problems to foot pain, torn muscles to post-operative rehabilitation after fractures or joint replacement. This may be in the form of informing, mobilizing, stretching, strengthening, re-learning movement patterns, manipulation, massage or by using electrotherapeutic modalities.

At our clinic we have a fully equipped medical training area plus five treatments rooms.
Through patient and therapist interaction, physiotherapy can help restore movement and function, helping patients return to their prior level of independence.

Other therapy options